Picture order forms can be picked up in the school office. If you are having pictures redone, bring your original packet with a note stating what you would like done differently.

Mr. Pokley's Ecology class took a trip to the Bad Axe Creek at Wilcox Park to test the water quality and aquatic macroinvertebrates. Water samples were compared to Colfax pond samples taken earlier this year.

Congratulations to the 2024 Homecoming Court!

2023-2024 Yearbooks are at the High School and ready to be picked up

High School students and staff kicking off the year with a Back to School rally. Special thanks to guest speaker Jeremiah Phelps of the Bad Axe Chamber of Commerce for the great motivational message to our students this morning.

Welcome Back Open House
Thursday, August 22
Elementary/Middle School 5:30-7:00pm
High School New Student Orientation 5:15pm
High School Open House 6:00-7:30pm

We are now just 2 weeks away from the 2024 Hatchet Open Fundraising Golf Tournament.
Entry and hole sponsorship forms are attached.

This Sunday, June 2 @ 6:30pm
JH Spring Band Concert
Thank you for all of your support this year!

Another great opportunity for your family to consider.

High school students interested in summer school. Please see details below and contact Mr. Brandel or Mrs. Stirrett to get signed up.

Last week our 7th & 8th grade students participated in the MiSTEM Career Fair at the Huron Community Fairgrounds. Students were able to explore many different careers offered by local businesses and learn about their interests!

Bad Axe Public Schools is pleased to announce Mikaela Boyle as the Class of 2024 Valedictorian.
Boyle, daughter of Chris and Kathy Boyle, recommends freshmen entering high school become involved every chance they get. “School becomes way more fun that way.” She even offers a quote from box office sensation Marilyn Monroe for inspiration. “Fear is stupid. So are regrets.” This belief in involvement has certainly been demonstrated by Boyle. As the Class of 2024 President, Youth Advisory Committee Co-Chair, National Honors Society Historian, Interact Club Treasurer, and Student Council Member, she has been able to effectively balance her academic, athletic, community, and social life.
Boyle’s biggest influence is last year’s salutatorian Katherine Himmel. Himmel’s constant dedication and hard work she displays throughout every aspect of her life provided a role model for Boyle as she dedicated herself to her studies. This move resulted in her ability to consistently garner awards in English, Spanish, science, math, and history.
Academics are just one facet of Boyle’s life at BAHS. Actually, “My favorite memory in high school is winning regionals in soccer two consecutive years with my sister Lily as a teammate and my Dad as my coach.” As captain of both her varsity and club soccer teams, Boyle knows the sport well, capturing the honor of All-State First Team in 2022 and 2023. She also earned her spot as captain of the varsity basketball team as well as MVP, Best Teammate, and First-Team All-Conference. During her junior year, she was awarded Most Impactful Newcomer and Defensive Lockdown.
Congratulations, Mikaela.

Congratulations to the BAPS Class of 2024 Salutatorian McKenzie Melnik.
Melnik remembers the “moment [of] my last home game half-time performance for Marching Band. It was a very emotional day, but standing on the podium for the last time on my hometown field was a feeling I will never forget.” Over the years, she has participated in Concert Band, Pep Band, Jazz Band, and Pit Band for The Addams Family, Chicago: Teen Edition, and Freaky Friday. This fall she earned the honor of the Drum Major for the Marching Band and is a three-year member of the Tri-County Honors Band.
In addition to the arts, Melnik has been active in Destination Imagination and the Positive School Climate teams. She also serves as the Vice President of the Bad Axe High School, Student Council. Additional honors include the Veterans Day Writing Contest First Place, acknowledgment in the National Rural and Small Town Recognition Program, and a Health Occupations Students of America Finalist.
Melnik credits her friends as “they push me to do well in school and give me something to look forward to every day.” She encourages freshmen to stay the course and to find the friends who will support you. “If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up - it pushes me to fight for the things that are important to me. Don’t waste your time comparing yourself to others or worrying about what others think of you. You can’t control others' actions, but you can control your reaction. Stay focused on the things that truly matter.”

Please consider

BAPS wishes to recognize the accomplishments of eight of our top academic Top Ten of the Class of 2024. Kudos, erudites!

As we continue to honor our seniors, please join the BAHS staff and faculty as we congratulate our Class of 2024 high honor graduates.

Planning on playing a sport next school year?!
Make sure you have an up to date physical

Have you been considering hosting a foreign exchange student? Visit this site to learn more!

Check out this awesome camp for 7th & 8th grade students!

As the seniors wrap up their final week of school, we would like to take the time to recognize various honors. Today we congratulate those of the Class of 2024 graduating with honors.